table_info (get)

Comanda permite recuperarea caracteristicilor si proprietatilor unui anumit tabel din cadrul bazei de date solicitata. Pe langa caracteristicile tabelului vor fi disponibile si toate campurile care il compun cu caracteristicile lor.



Numele tabelului de recuperat.


Numele bazei de date in care sa fie recuperat tabelul.


Token-ul de identificare al utilizatorului.




Tabelul solicitat nu exista.


Nu se dispune de permisiunile de vizualizare pentru tabelul solicitat.



"error": false, Error identifier

"table": {

"gguid": "guid", Global id

"tid": "20190923135015", Time identifier

"eli": "0", If the table is deleted

"arc": "0", Archive index

"ut": "user", Last user

"ind": "0", Sorting index

"displayable": "1", Permission to view

"eliminable": "1", Permission to delete

"editable": "1", Permission to editing

"tablename": "customer", Actual name of the table

"syncyes": "1", Sync permission

"syncsel": "1", Selective sync permission

"syncno": "0", Optional sync permission

"param": {}", Table parameters

"tablelabel": "Customer", Table label

"newlabel":"New Customer", Label on new record

"expressions": "", Calculation expressions

"lgroup": "" Membership group


"fields": [


"gguid": "g", Global id field

"tid": "20190923135015", Time identifier

"eli": "0", If the field is deleted

"arc": "0", Archive index

"ut":"user", Last user

"ind": "1001", Sorting index

"displayable": "1", Permission to view

"eliminable": "1", Permission to delete

"editable": "1", Permission to editing

"tablename": "customer", Membership table

"fieldname": "name", Actual name of the field

"fieldlabel": "Name", Field label

"fieldtype": "11", Field type

"viewcolumn": "1", If the column is visible

"columnwidth": "200", Column width

"obligatory": "0", If the field is mandatory

"param": "{}", Field parameters

"ofsystem": "1", If the field is system

"expression": "{}", Field expressions (not used)

"style":"{}", Field style

"panel": "", Panel containing the field

"panelindex": "0", Panel index

"fieldlabel2": "C Name", Label on the column

"columnindex": "1" Column index


"record": { Reference template for the record

"gguid": "", usable in other calls

"tid": 0, to add and edit values

"eli": 0, in the table

"arc": 0,

"ut": "",

"ind": 0,

"exp": "",

"gguidp": "",

"uta": "",

"tap": "",

"dsp": "",

"dsc": "",

"dsq1": 0,

"dsq2": 0,

"utc": "",

"tidc": 0,

"name": "",


"archives": [ List of archives

{ available for the table

"gguid": "g",

"tid": "20200323110641",

"eli": "0",

"arc": "0",


"ind": "2",

"gguidp": "",

"exp": "",

"uta": "1050",

"tap": "",

"dsp": "",

"dsc": "",

"dsq1": "0",

"dsq2": "0",


"tidc": "20191023132749",

"tablename": "customer",

"arcindex": "2",

"archivename": "old"



"scripts": [ List of scripts associated

{ with the table

"gguid": "g",

"ind": 7,

"tablename": "customer",


"scripttype": 3



"preferences": [ Standard layout page preferences

{ on dataform

"NC": "ind",

"IN": 0,

"VS": 0,

"WD": 40,

"SO": 0

